Stella McCartney necklace and bracelet
Clock studs

Cheshire cat ring
Rabbit ring
Drink me pendant

I can't wait for the release of Alice in Wonderland on the 5th of March. I've seen the trailer in 3-D and it's a visual masterpiece! With actors like Anne Hatheway and Johny Depp it's a guaranteed hit I think. Inspired by the Alice-mania there's been quite a lot of cute things produced by the designers, ranging from Alice bands, tea dresses and jewellery. Stella McCartney has designed a charm bracelet and necklace with little rabbits, hats and cards dangling down. The only thing NOT cute about it is the price, it starts at £235. However, Disney Couture has also launched an Alice range which I think is much cuter anyway. I love all things Alice in Wonderland ever since Gwen Stefani's video What you waiting for from baaaaack in the day. Go and check out the trailer on youtube if you haven't seen it yet.
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