My innate reluctance to throw old clothes has proved to be right once again! The vision of my mother with a bin bag approaching my closet sends me into cold sweat and I throw myself in front of it, ready to protect it with my life (ok exaggeration). The beauty of this black wooly jumper is that I don't actually remember where it came from, it just ended up on a top shelf on the right with all the tracksuits. I have been wearing it around the house for the past 6 years or so and have never thought that it would ever make its way out of the confines of the house. But Alas! This year, during my Christmas break in Cyprus, I have had a revelation whilst rummaging through my lounge-wear. It's black, it's baggy, it's grudge-y and technically vintage! It's so "Nirvana groupie". What would Mr Marc Jacobs say if he saw it being abused by me for so many years? I have been looking for a jumper like this for a long time in London but could never find anything that was just right. I have even visited a few vintage shops which is an accomplishment in itself since I like vintage but would never wear it myself unless I knew exactly where the piece came from. So here it is, meet the abused jumper, teamed up with camel leggings, black suede wedges and golden accessories. I promise I'll be nice from now on.